

 感謝 KIOSK 使作品在網上相遇
自 2010 年以來,KIOSK 一直在比耶洛克校區(比利時
根特皇家美術學院與皇家音樂學院)開發以藝術家為中心的特殊專案。2021年起,KIOSK 利用其網站作為線上藝術專案的平臺,擴大其線上活動。

A world map made from a slip of paper, where Taipei is on the one side and Venice the other, taking two sites as center while assembling with the satellite imagery between them; its hanging height is based on my eye level.

Our relationship is the measure of the world.

 Special thanks to KIOSK for offering a site for works to meet
Since 2010, KIOSK has been developing an idiosyncratic program on Campus Bijloke (KASK & Conservatorium, Gent, Belgium) in which the artist is central. From January 2021 onwards, KIOSK will expand its activities online, using its website as a platform for online art projects.