193 張明信片,上有以 193 聯合國會員國為中心的地圖,和其官方語言之「家」。作品作為明信片,從台灣寄往賽普勒斯展場,一個面臨領土爭議的國家。
193 張明信片,上有以 193 聯合國會員國為中心的地圖,和其官方語言之「家」。作品作為明信片,從台灣寄往賽普勒斯展場,一個面臨領土爭議的國家。
193 Postcards
193 postcards with map centered on different country (193 member states of the United Nations [UN]) and the word “home” in official language of each country (translated by Google translate). All postcards are sent as postcard from Taiwan, a UN non-member, to the exhibition venue in Cyprus, a country with territorial dispute.
What’s in a name? In Chinese, country(國家) combines nation(國) and home(家), inseparable in ancient belief. Language unites and divides us. It serves as a universal guide in search of our place in the world. As we seek a new home, is it acceptable to leave behind our native language, which binds us to both: our past and our sense of belonging?