Photo courtesy of Martin Varga
Pornhub 全球觀看次數最多影片(金卡戴珊與雷傑性愛影片)的無聲、變形與模糊版本,夏天每日入夜後播放於斯洛伐克科希策市立公園的電子看板。
✿ 本作獲 Nano vjs 支持
Nano vjs 策劃的開放媒體藝術平台(POMA)是一個新媒體藝術平台,在斯洛伐克科希策的公共空間展示國際和斯洛伐克數位媒體藝術家。
Video on screen; 5 minutes
A silent, resized and blurred version of the most viewed video worldwide on Pornhub, Kim Kardashian Sex Tape with Ray J, showed on screen on summer nights in Košice City Park, Slovakia.
Kim Kardashian exemplifies the diminishing distinction between public and private spheres in society today. Not only do we keep up with her for years, but we somewhat share the memory of her sex tape. The work emphasizes this ambiguity by inserting an unrecognizable pornography into public space, reminiscent of the “ghost in the machine”—the opaque systems within technology that accelerate this trend, from algorithm to personalized marketing. Its vertical size echoes the mobile phone screen, suggesting that the ubiquitous screen gradually replaces physical places and becomes the new public space that influences our personal identity.
✿ With the support of Nano vjs
Platform of Open Media Art (POMA) is a platform for new media art, exhibiting international and slovak digital media artists in public space in Košice, Slovakia. It’s curated by Nano vjs.